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Best Ringworm Treatment at Dermatology and Skin Health

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What is Ringworm? 

Ringworm is a common fungal infection that causes a round, red, itchy rash to appear on the skin. This condition is also known as tinea infection or dermatophytosis. Contrary to its name, ringworm isn’t actually caused by a worm and there’s no need to worry about having this crawling animal inside your body. 

This skin infection is caused by fungi that can live on the tissues of your skin, nails, or even hair. Ringworm is a name given to the distinct appearance of the rash that has a ring-shaped pattern with borders or patches that circles its way to the center like a worm. 

What Causes Ringworm? 

There are several types of fungi that can cause fungal infections. Some of the specific types of fungi that can cause ringworm are Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, and Microsporum. These parasites can settle in the dead tissues and cells in the outer layer of your skin. They thrive in warm environments and moist areas. 

You’re likely to have ringworm if you live in tropical areas with humid weather. It’s also common  among individuals who perspire heavily, wear tight clothing, and participate in sports that require physical contact. Being malnourished or immunocompromised can also increase your risk for fungal skin infection. 

Ringworm is also a contagious fungal infection and it can be easily spread through: 

  • Having contact with an infected animal
  • Going to damp areas such as locker rooms and public bathrooms
  • Sharing towels, linens, and clothes with an infected person
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At Dermatology & Skin Health, we offer world-class services done by award-winning doctors who have proven their knowledge and skills in this field. Start your journey towards achieving your best skin by contacting us today.

Who Can Get Ringworm?  

Fungal infections are quite common, especially among young children and teenagers. It can also develop among individuals with weak immune systems or have a disease that makes it difficult to fight off an infection. Athletes are also more prone to having ringworm, especially if they play close contact sports like basketball, wrestling, and soccer. People with excessive sweating problems may also be at risk of contracting a fungus. 

Symptoms of Ringworm

Ringworm symptoms can appear anywhere on the body, depending on the type of fungal infection. Generally, the rash from ringworm begins as a small bump or a scaly patch. It can eventually grow into a flat, round-shaped patch with sharp edges and expanding and overlapping rings. The skin around the rash will also feel itchy. 

Additionally, the patches on the skin may sometimes turn into blisters and ooze. They can also look redder on the edges with a clear skin tone in the center. 

Common Types of Ringworm Infections

Tinea Pedis or Athlete’s Foot

This type of ringworm commonly affects pubertal and adult males. It is a fungal infection that develops on the feet and the skin between the toes. It happens when your feet remain in shoes and socks all day, promoting a warm and moist environment where fungi can grow. The common symptoms of tinea pedis are itchiness, scaly or cracked skin between toes, redness, and blisters on the foot. 

Tinea Cruris or Jock Itch 

This fungal infection occurs on the groin area, rectum, or folds on the inner thighs. It commonly forms itchy red spots which can grow and spread to other areas in a half-moon shape. The rash may have blisters on the edges and the surrounding skin can feel flaky or dry. 

Tinea Capitis or Scalp Ringworm

This is a fungal scalp infection that causes scaly and itchy bald spots or patches to appear on the head. In some cases, scalp ringworm can also cause painful areas on the scalp and affect the quality of hair strands which can lead to hair loss. 

Tinea Unguium or Nail Ringworm

This condition refers to the fungal infection of the nails and can sometimes be called onychomycosis. This happens when you frequently walk barefoot in damp areas, have sweaty feet, or have another skin infection like Athlete’s foot. 

A fungal nail infection can start from one toenail or fingernail and spread to other nails. If you have nail ringworm, you’ll notice discoloration, shape distortion, or thickening of one or more of the nails. 

Tinea Corporis or Body Ringworm

This fungal infection can affect any part of the body such as the shoulders, arms, neck, trunk, and buttocks. It can form round-shaped skin lesions that often feel itchy and have raised borders.

Tinea Barbae or Fungal Hair Infection

This refers to the infection that happens on the beard and mustache. It is less common than scalp infection but it can still be seen among adult men who grow facial hair. It can cause red rashes and swollen spots around the mouth. 

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Dermatology & Skin Health

At Dermatology & Skin Health, our excellent dermatology services are guaranteed to be safe and effective, performed by the top doctors in their respective fields. Treat your skin problems by contacting us today.


How are Fungal Infections Diagnosed?

It’s important to immediately see a healthcare provider if you notice a suspicious patch or rash on the skin. Most doctors can diagnose a ringworm infection via visual examination of the appearance of the skin.

If needed, a small skin scraping of the infected area may also be taken for a skin biopsy and examined for the presence of fungus. A Wood’s lamp may also be used during skin examination. This device uses black or blue light to help detect fungal infections. If you have fungi, your skin will change color and the parasite will appear fluorescent under the light. 

Treatment Options for Fungal Infections

Ringworm treatment will depend on the type of infection and the location where its symptoms have formed. Here are some of the recommended treatment options for fungal skin infections:

  • Topical antifungal cream - Most cases of Athlete’s foot, Jock Itch, and nail ringworm can be remedied with over-the-counter ointments or prescription topical treatment. 
  • Oral antifungal medicine - Scalp ringworm often requires taking an oral antifungal tablet to treat the fungi that live deep in the hair follicles and cannot be removed by topical medications. 
  • Antifungal shampoo - Tinea capitis can also be treated with specially formulated antifungal shampoos.

What to Expect from Ringworm Treatments 

Most fungal skin infections can get better within 4 weeks of starting topical medications and creams. For severe cases of fungal infection, oral medications may be taken to help provide quick relief from symptoms. It’s important that you follow the treatment plan recommended by a ringworm specialist to make sure your skin clears completely. 

Tips to Prevent Fungal Infections 

While topical creams and medications can help treat existing ringworm, the infection can return and grow on other parts of the body since they are highly contagious. Here are some steps you can take to prevent the recurrence of ringworm: 

  • Keep your skin dry and thoroughly wipe any wetness or moisture on your body after showering
  • Avoid sharing clothing, towels, razors, hairbrushes, and other personal items with another person. If you will lend your items, make sure to clean and dry them after every use.  
  • Wash hands after touching pets or stray animals. 
  • Take a shower immediately after playing sports and dry yourself thoroughly. 
  • Shampoo your hair regularly, especially after getting a haircut. 
  • Avoid going barefoot in gyms, lockers, and pools. 
  • Get your household pets treated if they have ringworm. 
  • Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces at home with bleach or sprays. 
Schedule Your Consultation Now at Dermatology & Skin Health

At Dermatology & Skin Health, we offer world-class services done by award-winning doctors who have proven their knowledge and skills in this field. Start your journey towards achieving your best skin by contacting us today.

Contact Us Today and Schedule a Consultation for Your Ringworm Infection

Having a ringworm infection can be really uncomfortable and even affect your quality of life. Let our team at Dermatology and Skin Health help you find relief from your ringworm symptoms and improve your overall skin condition. We can provide accurate diagnoses and get you started on a personalized treatment plan for your infection. Call us today and book your first appointment to begin your ringworm treatment. 


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