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Elaine Riley Skin Cancer Story

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Melanoma. Cancer. Skin cancer. No matter how you say it, the words are scary. For Elaine Riley, she counts her blessings in knowing that her melanoma was found by Dermatology and Skin Health’s lead physician, James Campbell. She had no idea that it had been developing on her back, nor how long it had been actively spreading. Her melanoma was at stage three when she was examined by Dr. Campbell; a stage that demanded immediate and aggressive attention.


Collaborative treatment with Mass General Hospital to remove the melanoma began, and was ultimately a success. Riley continues to proactively maintain an examination schedule that includes two checkups a week with Dermatology and Skin Health.

“I’ve seen a lot of doctors,” said Riley. “I feel like I’ve finally found a home with Dermatology and Skin Health. The doctors here are understanding and accurate. I can’t say enough good things about the staff. They treat you as an individual, and make you feel very comfortable. You’re not just ‘another person’ to them which I deeply admire, respect, and appreciate.”

Riley credits Dr. Campbell for saving her life as her cancer had spread from her back to her neck at the time of discovery. It was a very aggressive melanoma, and it was found just in time.


Not only was her life saved, but the series of proactive follow-ups that maintains her skin and overall health has restored peace of mind to Riley.

“Dr. Campbell himself is a survivor,” said Riley. “So he’s intimately engaged with this terrible disease. If it wasn’t for him, I’d be dead. I never thought I’d have cancer. Nor did any other doctor find it when it was in a more introductory phase. I give infinite thanks to him and the rest of the staff at Dermatology and Skin Health for finding it early enough to treat me so I can continue to live a fruitful and engaging life. I recommend them to any of my friends that are in need of a genuine, and accurate healthcare facility.”

Riley summed it all up by proclaiming that Dermatology and Skin Health are consummate professionals. Cancer is a scary word and a terrible disease, but with the right team on your side, that scare can be put at bay and even eradicated. That “right team” for Elaine Riley, is Dermatology and Skin Health.
