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From Prepping for Surgery to Recovery and Beyond: The Mohs Experience

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A surgeon's gloved hands suture a wound on a patient's hand during surgery. The patient’s hand is positioned on a surgical drape.

A Comprehensive Look at What to Expect Before, During, and After Mohs Surgery

The Mohs surgery experience involves thorough preparation, the layer-by-layer procedure to precisely remove skin cancer, recovery instructions, potential complication management, and emotional support. Partnering with a qualified dermatology team provides excellent care and guidance throughout the entire Mohs surgery process.

Mohs surgery is a highly effective skin cancer treatment, but it's normal to have questions and concerns leading up to it. By sharing their firsthand experiences, Mohs surgery patients can provide invaluable guidance and reassurance. 

This article will walk through every step of the Mohs surgery process to help you feel fully prepared.

What Exactly is Mohs Surgery?

Mohs surgery, named after Dr. Frederic Mohs who developed it in the 1930s, is a specialized procedure for removing skin cancer. The key difference from other skin cancer treatments is that Mohs surgery removes cancerous tissue layer by layer, with each layer being examined under a microscope right away. This allows the surgeon to ensure all cancer cells are removed before closing the wound.

Other techniques remove tissue in one piece and examine it afterwards, so cancerous cells could potentially be left behind. Mohs has the highest cure rate of any skin cancer treatment - up to 99% for certain cancers. It preserves as much healthy tissue as possible while thoroughly eliminating cancer.

Schedule a consultation with our Mohs surgery experts at Dermatology & Skin Health to determine if this precise technique is right for treating your skin cancer.

Why Get Mohs Surgery?

Mohs is typically used to treat high-risk and recurrent skin cancers, like:

  • Basal cell carcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Melanoma in situ

It's the recommended treatment when cancer is aggressive, in a sensitive area like the face, or has come back after other treatments. The precise removal makes Mohs ideal for these challenging cases.

Some key advantages of Mohs include:

  • Highest cure rate of any skin cancer treatment
  • Minimal removal of healthy tissue
  • Excellent cosmetic outcomes
  • Ability to immediately treat any remaining cancer
  • Shorter healing time than other options

Know What to Expect: Preparing for Your Procedure

Learning what will happen leading up to Mohs can help ease anxiety. Here’s an overview of what you can anticipate before your surgery:

Preparation Appointments

  • Consultation Visit: You’ll meet with your Mohs surgeon to discuss the procedure and answer any questions. Be ready to share your health history.
  • Preoperative Exam: A week or two before surgery, you’ll have a skin cancer screening and blood work to ensure you’re healthy for surgery.
  • Medication Adjustments: Your doctor may advise adjusting blood thinners or other medications temporarily.

The Day Before Surgery

  • Avoid Certain Medications: Stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, or other blood thinners. Follow your surgeon’s instructions.
  • No Makeup Near Surgery Site: Go makeup-free where the skin cancer is to avoid infection risk.
  • Set Up Recovery Space: Get plenty of rest. Set up your home to be comfortable for recovering the next few days.
  • Eat Normally: No fasting needed! Eat a healthy meal the night before.

Morning of Surgery

  • Shower and Clean Skin: Bathe thoroughly with antimicrobial soap, especially around the surgical site.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothes: Choose loose, comfortable clothing you can easily take on and off.
  • Take Medications as Instructed: For example, take heart or blood pressure medications.
  • Arrive Early: Leave extra time to check in, fill out forms, and settle in before the procedure.

Managing Anxiety

It’s natural to feel nervous about surgery! Here are some healthy coping tips:

  • Learn what to expect so there are no surprises. This guide covers every step.
  • Bring a support person to wait with you and drive you home.
  • Discuss worries with your doctor. They can provide reassurance.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or prayer.
  • Avoid caffeine to keep anxieties in check.

Stay positive! The Mohs surgery team will take great care of you.

Dermatology & Skin Health offers compassionate emotional support to help ease worries before your Mohs surgery. Get in touch with our team today!

Step-By-Step: The Mohs Surgery Procedure

Wondering exactly what happens during the procedure itself? Walk through it step-by-step:

1Getting StartedYou’ll change into a gown, empty your bladder, and get set up in the operating room. The area around the surgery site will be sterilized and draped off. Local anesthetic is injected, so you won’t feel pain once it takes effect.
2First Layer RemovalUsing a scalpel, your surgeon removes the visible tumor, plus a thin layer of clear margin around it. This takes only minutes. Pressure and tugging may be felt, but no pain.
3First Microscopic AnalysisThe removed tissue layer is immediately brought to the lab onsite. It’s stained, mounted on a slide, and analyzed under a microscope. This takes about 1 hour. You can relax in the waiting room.
4Additional Layer RemovalIf any cancer cells remain, the next tissue layer is removed and analyzed. This cycle repeats until no more cancer is detected. Most cases require 1-3 layers.
5Wound ClosureWith cancer fully removed, your surgeon carefully closes the wound using sutures or a skin graft. This takes about an hour.

The procedure typically lasts 3-6 hours total depending on size and layers needed. You can expect superb care and attention throughout.

Recovery Timeline: Healing After Your Mohs Surgery Procedure

Once Mohs surgery is complete, you'll move to the recovery phase. Here’s what to expect as you heal:

Immediately Post-Surgery

You’ll receive detailed instructions for caring for the surgery site and keeping it clean. Apply prescribed ointments as directed and avoid getting any bandages wet. Take it easy the rest of the day and have someone else drive you home after the procedure.

First 24-48 Hours

It's normal to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort after surgery. Use ice packs and over-the-counter pain medication as recommended by the doctor. Keep your head elevated on 2-3 pillows when resting to minimize swelling around the site. Avoid any strenuous activity during the first couple days while initial healing begins.

First Week of Healing

Continue following wound care instructions from your doctor carefully. Keep the site moist with prescribed ointment. Stitches may be removed 3-10 days after surgery depending on the location. Fatigue is very common during the first week. Listen to your body and allow yourself extra rest.

Two Weeks Postoperatively

By the end of the second week, swelling should subside significantly. Tenderness and tightness around the closed wound will also continue improving. At this point, most patients can resume non-strenuous work activities.

One Month and Beyond

Most swelling and bruising typically resolve after one month. Numbness around the surgery site may persist longer. Scarring and redness will continue fading over the next few months. Normal levels of activity can usually fully resume by 4-6 weeks for most people.

Proper wound care and time are key for optimal healing! Follow your unique recovery instructions.

Potential Complications and How to Manage Them

While Mohs surgery is highly safe and effective, you should be aware of potential complications:

  • Infection: Signs include increasing pain, swelling, redness, drainage, warmth, or fever. Call your doctor right away if you notice these. Antibiotics are used to treat infection.
  • Poor Wound Healing: Smoking, diabetes, and other factors can delay healing. Keep the area moist with ointment and avoid reinjury. Report concerns to your doctor.
  • Excess Scarring: Scars may form as the skin mends itself. Silicone sheeting, steroid injections, laser treatments, and makeup can improve appearance.
  • Nerve Damage: If key nerves are cut, numbness or tingling can result. This often gradually resolves over time. Immediate repair sometimes helps.
  • Recurrence of Skin Cancer: In rare cases, microscopic cancer traces may be missed and regrow. Further treatment is needed if this occurs.

Carefully follow your post-op instructions to prevent complications. Ask our doctor what to watch for, and report any unusual symptoms promptly.

The Emotional Side of Mohs Surgery

Along with physical recovery, you may experience emotional ups and downs after Mohs surgery:

Coping With Your Diagnosis

Learning you have skin cancer and need surgery can come as a shock. Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, or depression are normal. Support groups and counseling provide help processing the diagnosis.

Handling Treatment

Facing a surgical procedure can stir up stressful emotions. Relaxation techniques, talking with loved ones, and viewing surgery positively can help manage worries.

Managing Pain and Discomfort

Dealing with post-op pain, swelling, and wound care can be frustrating. Remember healing happens gradually. Follow doctor’s orders for maximum comfort.

Worrying About Recurrence

It’s common to have concerns about the cancer coming back. Your Mohs surgeon got all detectable cancer. Stick to follow-ups for peace of mind.

Seeing Your Scars

Looking at scars left behind may bring up self-consciousness. Scars fade over time. Remember they’re a sign you overcame cancer!

Don’t hesitate to seek counseling if you’re struggling emotionally. Your doctors and loved ones are here to support you through this experience.

In Conclusion: Seeking Expert Care Leads to the Best Mohs Surgery Experience

Going through Mohs surgery is a process – both physically and emotionally. But you don’t have to go through it alone. Lean on your healthcare providers, loved ones, and fellow patients who’ve been where you are.

Millions have undergone Mohs with excellent outcomes. By thoroughly researching what to expect, you can ease anxieties and recover smoothly. If skin cancer returns down the road, further treatment is always available.

For the vast majority of patients, Mohs surgery eliminates all detectable cancer and leads to clear margins confirmed under a microscope. No other method provides this level of certainty. It’s the gold standard treatment for high-risk skin cancers.

To ensure the most positive Mohs surgery experience, partner with a highly-qualified dermatologic care team. The experts at Dermatology & Skin Health offer compassionate support and surgical excellence. Our board-certified dermatologists, surgeons, and nurses will guide you through every step of diagnosis, treatment, and beyond.

Don't hesitate to contact Dermatology & Skin Health to discuss your specific case. We will help you understand all your options and customize a treatment plan that fits your needs.

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