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Scars from Mohs Surgery: What You Need To Know

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keloid scar in the hand

Mohs micrographic surgery is a common procedure used to treat skin cancer, but it can often leave behind visible scars.

While the scarring caused by Mohs surgery may be unavoidable in some cases, there are treatments available that can help reduce their appearance and make them less noticeable.

In this blog post, we'll discuss how scarring from Mohs surgery occurs and what treatment options exist for reducing its visibility.

We'll explore different types of scars after Mohs Surgery as well as dermatologist-recommended creams and other products that can be beneficial during recovery from facial procedures like these.

We’ll also look at scar revision techniques which involve using reconstructive or plastic surgeons to further reduce the appearance of any remaining scars from mohs surgery.

Does Mohs Surgery Leave a Scar?

Yes, Mohs surgery can leave a scar. The extent of the scarring depends on several factors, including the size and location of the tumor being removed, as well as how deep it was located in the skin.

Most people who have had Mohs surgery will have some degree of visible scarring after their procedure. The type of scar that is left behind also varies depending on individual healing processes and genetics.

Scarring can be minimized by taking certain precautions before and after your procedure such as avoiding sun exposure for a few weeks following your surgery and using sunscreen with an SPF 30+ once the wound has reepithelialized.

Keeping the area clean and dry, wear loose clothing over treated areas while they heal to reduce friction and use creams to help flatten raised scars over time if needed.

To minimize the appearance of any scarring after the procedure, patients should follow their doctor's post-operative instructions and consider seeking professional treatments to reduce its visibility. 

How to Minimize Scarring After Mohs Surgery

Scarring after Mohs surgery can be minimized by following your doctor’s post-operative instructions carefully.

These instructions may include:

  1. keeping the wound clean and dry,
  2. avoiding direct sunlight on the area,
  3. and using topical treatments such as silicone gel or silicone sheets to reduce redness and inflammation.

Laser treatments may be used to further reduce the appearance of scars.

This includes wearing sunscreen regularly when outdoors, even if just briefly exposed. 

Doing so will help prevent further discoloration or hyperpigmentation which could worsen existing scarring conditions due to UV exposure alone over time if left unprotected against these rays consistently throughout life going forward.

Always be mindful about proper protection methods employed accordingly whenever necessary too.

Scarring Treatment Options

  • Scarring is a common result of Mohs surgery, and there are several treatment options available to help reduce the appearance of scars. Surgical treatments including:
    • Dermabrasion involves using an abrasive instrument to sand away the top layers of skin in order to smooth out any irregularities in texture or color.
    • Excision is when a surgeon cuts out the scar tissue and stitches it back together for a smoother look.
  • Laser resurfacing uses short pulses of light energy to remove damaged skin cells and stimulate collagen production for improved healing.Non-surgical treatments can also be used to reduce scarring after Mohs surgery:
  • Chemical peels use chemical solutions that cause dead skin cells on the surface layer of your skin to peel off, leaving behind healthier looking new skin cells underneath.
  • Microdermabrasion works similarly but instead uses tiny crystals that exfoliate away dead skin cells while stimulating collagen production at the same time.
  • Microneedling involves using very fine needles that create tiny punctures in your skin which triggers natural healing processes like increased blood flow and collagen production resulting in smoother looking scars over time with repeated sessions as needed.
  • Topical creams or gels containing retinoids or corticosteroids can be applied directly onto affected areas as they have anti-inflammatory properties which helps reduce redness associated with scars while helping them heal faster too.

Treatment options for scarring vary depending on the type of scar and severity, but there are a variety of treatments available to help reduce their appearance.

In the next heading, we'll discuss some of the different types of scars that may occur after Mohs surgery.

Different Types of Scars After Mohs Surgery

Scars after Mohs surgery can vary in size, shape, and depth depending on the area of skin affected.

  • The most common type of scar is a linear scar, which appears as a thin line that follows the path of the incision made during surgery.
  • Mohs surgery scars on the face may appear more prominent due to their location. These types of scars tend to be wider than linear scars and may have an irregular shape or texture.

Mohs surgery scarring on the nose can also be quite noticeable since it’s located in such a visible area of your face.This type of scarring tends to look like raised bumps along the edges where tissue was removed during surgery; however, this is usually only temporary and will fade over time with proper care and treatment options like laser resurfacing or dermabrasion techniques.

  • Forehead scars are often less noticeable than those found on other parts of your face since they're usually hidden beneath the hairline when you style your hair down naturally.

For more information on caring for skin after Mohs surgery, read on for tips about recommended creams to use.

Dermatologist-Recommended Creams After Mohs Surgery on Face

After Mohs surgery, the skin on your face may be left with a scar. While it is natural to feel self-conscious about these scars, there are treatments available that can help reduce their appearance.

Dermatologists often recommend creams and ointments as part of an overall treatment plan for scarring after Mohs surgery.

Silicone gel sheeting

one of the most popular products recommended by dermatologists for treating facial scars from Mohs surgery. Silicone gel sheeting works by forming a protective barrier over the wound site which helps to keep moisture in and bacteria out while also helping to soften and flatten raised scars.

It should be applied twice daily until desired results are achieved or up to 12 weeks after healing has occurred.

Topical corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone cream can also be used to treat facial scars from Mohs surgery.

These creams work by reducing inflammation at the wound site which helps minimize redness and swelling associated with scarring.

They should only be used under medical supervision due to potential side effects if used incorrectly or too frequently, so always consult your doctor before using any topical medications on your skin post-surgery.

How long does it take for scars from a Mohs surgery to heal completely?

Scars can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 12 months to fully heal after a Mohs surgery. This depends on the size, depth and complexity of the wound's healing process.

Initially, patients may experience redness, swelling, and itching during recovery.

Over time, these symptoms will dissipate as the skin repairs itself and normalizes in color and texture.

With proper wound care during this time period you can reduce inflammation and help ensure proper healing of the area around your stitches.

Factors That Affect Healing Time

The size and depth of the wound are two major factors that influence how long it will take for a scar to heal. Wounds that are larger or deeper require more time to heal than smaller wounds because they involve more tissue damage.

If there is any infection present in the wound or surrounding area this can also slow down healing times significantly.

Proper Care After Surgery

Proper care after Mohs surgery is essential in order to minimize scarring and promote faster healing times.

Sun protection measures should be taken for one year after surgery to protect delicate new skin and keep scarring to a minimum.

Aftercare may also involve applying moisturizer daily to reduce dryness and tightness that can occur during recovery.

Also important:

  • Maintain good hygiene
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions for cleansing and changing dressings
  • Engage in only light activity around the area that was treated,
  • Take medications as prescribed (such as those typically used to prevent infection or assist in healing)
  • Contact your doctor if you have any concerns or if symptoms worsen.

With proper care following Mohs surgery, you can rest assured that scarring will be minimized without affecting functionality or cosmetic appearance.

What Are the Different Types of Scar Treatments Available After Mohs Surgery?

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to reduce the appearance of scars and improve skin texture. The type of scar treatment recommended will depend on the size, shape, and location of the scar as well as other factors such as age and lifestyle.

Laser Resurfacing

Using laser technology, laser resurfacing works to reduce scarring while increasing new collagen production and flattening elevated scars.

Laser resurfacing helps even out both shallow and deep acne scars as well as other discolouration caused by post-Mohs surgery healing.


By gently removing excess layers of skin microdermabrasion works to reduce blotchy pigmentation while creating a smoother, more uniform texture on top of it all. Some lighter cases of post-Mohs surgery scarring may respond well to this type of treatment with multiple sessions being necessary for effective results.

Steroid Injections

Intralesional steroid injections have proven helpful in treating superficial or deep keloid scars. Injecting steroids directly into these atrophic or raised areas is thought to reduce inflammation and prevent further tissue growth that can sometimes occur when healing from Mohs surgery.

Scar treatments available after Mohs surgery can vary depending on the individual, but they all have one goal in mind: to reduce the appearance of scars and improve overall skin health. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand what scar revision is and how it can help improve your results.

What Is Scar Revision and How Can It Help Reduce Scars After Mohs Surgery?

Scar revision is a surgical procedure that can help reduce the appearance of scars resulting from Mohs surgery. The goal of scar revision is to minimize the visibility and size of the scar, as well as improve its texture and color. Scar revision can be done with different techniques depending on the type of scar present.

Types Of Scars After Mohs Surgery

The most common types of scars after Mohs surgery are hypertrophic or keloid scars, which are raised above the skin’s surface; atrophic or depressed scars, which appear sunken in; contracture scars, which pull down adjacent skin; and discolored or pigmented spots caused by sun exposure or aging.

Depending on the type of scar present, different treatments may be recommended for optimal results.

How Can Scar Revision Help?

Scar revision involves removing excess tissue from around a wound to create an improved aesthetic result.

It can also involve adding tissue such as fat grafting to fill in depressions left behind by wounds and restore volume loss due to aging or trauma-related changes in facial contours.

In some cases, laser therapy may be used to reduce redness associated with certain types of scars while improving their overall appearance over time.

Steroid injections may be used to treat raised hypertrophic/keloid-type scars so they become less noticeable and more manageable over time.

What Is The Recovery Process Like?

Recovery times vary depending on the type of treatment performed during your scar revision procedure, but typically range between two weeks and several months. 

Full results are usually visible after about six months post-procedure when all swelling has subsided completely. 

During this period, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully regarding any medications prescribed for pain relief or infection prevention, as well as avoiding strenuous activities until fully healed in order to not disrupt the recovery process unnecessarily.

Scar revision can help reduce the appearance of scars from Mohs surgery and provide a more aesthetically pleasing result. Reconstructive and plastic surgeons have additional tools to further minimize scarring, allowing patients to achieve their desired results.

FAQs in Relation to Scars From Mohs Surgery

How do you get rid of Mohs scars?

There are several treatments available to help reduce the appearance of Mohs scars. These include laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, topical creams or gels that contain retinoids or hydroquinone, steroid injections, and collagen fillers.

Some patients may benefit from scar revision surgery which can be performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon in order to further minimize the appearance of their scarring.

What kind of scar does Mohs surgery leave?

The scar left by Mohs skin cancer surgery depends on several factors, including the size and location of the tumor, but typically it will be a thin line or small circle that may fade over time with proper care.

How long does it take for Mohs scar to flatten?

The amount of time it takes for a Mohs scar to flatten depends on several factors, including the size and depth of the wound.

It can take anywhere from two weeks to six months for a scar to flatten completely. During this time, proper care is essential in order to ensure optimal healing.

This includes keeping the area clean and dry, avoiding direct sunlight exposure, using topical medications as prescribed by your doctor, and applying silicone-based products or other treatments that may help speed up wound healing.

With patience and proper care, most people will see their scars begin to fade within three months after surgery.

How long does it take for Mohs to heal?

The goal of the surgery is to remove all visible cancer cells while preserving as much healthy skin tissue as possible.

Healing time varies depending on the size and location of the area treated, but typically it takes between 7-14 days for full healing.

During this time, patients should keep their wound clean and dry, avoid direct sunlight exposure, and follow any additional instructions from their doctor or healthcare provider.


Dr. Mendese and his team of dermatologists at Dermatology & Skin Health

In conclusion, Mohs surgery is a highly effective treatment for skin cancer and can help to improve the health of your skin.

However, it can also leave scars that may be noticeable or uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are many ways to minimize scarring after Mohs surgery and reduce the appearance of existing scars from Mohs surgery.

These include using topical creams recommended by dermatologists, waiting for complete healing before considering any treatments, and exploring different types of scar treatments available such as Mohs reconstructive surgery.

With proper care and attention you can ensure that your scars from Mohs surgery are minimized so you can feel more confident in your own skin again!

Are you dealing with scars from Mohs surgery? Dermatology & Skin Health is here to help! Our team of medical providers specialize in delivering exemplary medical and cosmetic treatments that can reduce the appearance of your scar. 

We understand how difficult it can be to live with facial scarring, so we’re committed to providing our patients with comprehensive care plans tailored just for them. Schedule an appointment today and let us help you regain confidence in your skin!

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