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Finding the Best Mohs Surgery for Your Skin Cancer in Sarasota, Florida

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Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, with over 5 million cases treated each year. While often curable if caught early, skin cancer can be deadly when not properly treated. That’s why seeking specialized care from experienced skin cancer doctors is so important.

If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer in the Sarasota area, one treatment option you may consider is Mohs surgery. This precise surgical technique was developed in the 1930s by Dr. Frederick Mohs, and offers the highest cure rates of any skin cancer treatment available today.

Where Can I Get Mohs Surgery in Sarasota, FL?

When considering Mohs surgery, it's important to find a highly qualified and experienced surgeon. Here are some tips on identifying top Mohs providers in the Sarasota area:

Some key credentials and qualifications to look for in a Mohs surgeon include:

CredentialWhat it Means
Board Certified DermatologistCompleted med school, residency in dermatology, passed exams
Fellowship Trained in MohsAdditional 1-2 years of focused training in Mohs surgery
Member of ACMSMember of American College of Mohs Surgery, demonstrate expertise
Published ResearchExperience advancing and sharing knowledge of Mohs surgery
  • Consider surgeons associated with major medical centers and teaching hospitals. These institutions often attract the most talented specialists.
  • Look for surgeons who have published research and studies related to Mohs surgery. This demonstrates their commitment to advancing the field.
  • Verify how many years of experience the surgeon has performing Mohs specifically. More experience means more mastery of this complex technique.
  • Read reviews from past patients, but take negative reviews with a grain of salt. Even the best surgeons will have some unhappy patients.

Finding the Right Sarasota Mohs Surgeon for You

While credentials and qualifications are important when choosing a Mohs surgeon, you also want to consider the doctor's bedside manner and how comfortable you feel with them.

Here are some tips for finding the right fit:

  • Schedule consultations with several surgeons before deciding. Use this time to get a sense of their communication style and personality.
  • Consider asking questions like:
  • Take note of how the surgeon listens and answers your questions. Do they make good eye contact and give you their full attention?
  • Take a tour of the clinic to see the environment where you'll have your surgery. Look for calming spaces and a reassuring staff.
  • Understand your priorities - do you want an upbeat surgeon or someone more reserved? Clinical or more personal? Fast-paced or slower? Choose accordingly.
  • Consider convenience factors like clinic location and hours that fit your lifestyle.
  • Read online reviews, but don't let a few negative comments rule someone out. Bedside manner is somewhat subjective.
  • Trust your instincts - you want a surgeon you feel comfortable asking lots of questions and being open with.

The right Mohs surgeon-patient relationship can help reduce anxiety and make the process go smoothly. Take your time researching to find that ideal fit.

What is the Mohs Surgery Procedure Like?

Now that you know what to look for in a Mohs surgeon, let’s look at what the procedure entails. Mohs is done on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the same day.

Here are the typical steps involved:

  • Numbing and Removal - You’ll receive a local anesthetic to numb the skin cancer site and surrounding tissue. The visible tumor is then surgically removed.
  • Mapping - The surgeon carefully maps out and sections the removed tissue to know exactly where it came from. This helps pinpoint any remaining cancer cells.
  • Analysis - The tissue sections are frozen and examined under a microscope by the surgeon. If any cancer cells are seen at the edges, their locations are mapped.
  • Additional Excision - If cancer cells remain, the surgeon uses the map to precisely excise the involved areas and examine new tissue sections. This process continues layer-by-layer until no more cancer is detected.
  • Reconstruction - Once clear margins are achieved, the surgeon repairs the wound. This may involve stitches or a skin graft to heal the area and minimize scarring.

The unique advantage of Mohs is its ability to trace out and remove 100% of cancerous tissue, while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. This leads to the highest cure rates of any skin cancer treatment, along with the best cosmetic outcomes.

How Effective is Mohs Surgery for Treating Skin Cancer?

Extensive research over decades has proven Mohs to be remarkably effective at curing common forms of skin cancer.

For basal cell carcinoma (BCC), cure rates exceed 99% after Mohs treatment. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is cured approximately 95% of the time.

Melanoma is less likely to be treated with Mohs, but when used, success rates range from 85-98%. This makes Mohs at least as effective as wide excision for melanoma.

In addition to high cure rates, Mohs has the lowest recurrence rates of any skin cancer treatment. Recurrence happens in only about 1-3% of cases. This compares to up to 10% recurrence seen with other methods like excision surgery, radiation, or cryosurgery.

What Results Can I Expect From Mohs Surgery?

For most patients, Mohs surgery leads to good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. The surgery removes cancerous tissue while maximizing preservation of surrounding healthy skin.

Proper wound care is important following the procedure to optimize healing. Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions on caring for the site after Mohs. Typically this involves keeping the area clean, using antibiotic ointment, changing bandages, and avoiding picking or scratching the wound.

How Do I Know If Mohs Surgery is Right for Me?

Mohs micrographic surgery offers significant advantages for removing many types of skin cancer. However, it may not be the best option for every patient and every case.

Here are some factors your dermatologist will consider when recommending a treatment plan:

  • Type of skin cancer - Mohs has highest success rates for BCC and SCC. It is rarely used for melanoma or other rarer skin cancers.
  • Location on your body - Areas like the face, hands, feet and genitals benefit most from Mohs due to good preservation of tissue.
  • Size of tumor - Large, deep-rooted tumors often require Mohs to fully remove all cancerous tissue.

Your age, lifestyle needs, values and preferences also play a role in deciding what treatment is best for your unique situation.


If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer in the Sarasota region, use the guidance provided here to help find the right Mohs specialist for you.

With highly effective cure rates and excellent cosmetic results, Mohs surgery is one of the best skin cancer treatments available today. By selecting experienced, fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons— like our experts at Dermatology and Skin Health for example, you can feel confident in the quality of care and outcomes.

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