Here’s the thing: I’m a 33-year-old man. Red hair, blue eyes, insanely fair skin… The whole nine yards. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been burnt by the sun’s rays every year of my life. This isn’t great. I mean, I knew it wasn’t great in the past, but now I REALLY know the damage I’ve done.
Since my work began writing content for Dermatology and Skin Health in Dover (they’re a Boldwerks client), I’ve learned an incredible amount about the topic of skin health. Makes sense given the outlet. I just wonder why I didn’t pay more attention sooner. I’ve written countless pieces of literature about the harm of the sun’s UV rays, and its connection to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
The common question (or if you’re me, it wasn’t really a question, it was the product of being carefree and a tad lazy…): What's the harm in sunburn?
Here’s the painful truth:
The risk of developing melanoma doubles if a person has experienced five or more sunburns in their lifetime. I can tell you that I’ve subjected myself to those five burns multiplied exponentially by a number I’m ashamed to even attempt to count.
I’m aware of the truth now, and the answer to that question burns brightly in my consciousness.
For the first time in my entire life, I made it through this past summer, and this fall without a single burn. I consider that a success, and I attribute it all to the education I’ve received through my relationship with Laurie Seavey and the rest of the staff at Derm Skin. That may not be the most amazing testament in one striving to “better themselves,” but to me, it’s a huge deal. To me, it is amazing.
Various things I now carry with me at all times include:
It’s also recommended that you utilize the benefits of a summertime umbrella, but I have to admit, I’m not there yet… But I am in a better place in my defense of UV rays. And heck, I’m checking off a win in the ol’ win/loss column.
Moving forward:
While I may have already caused myself irreversible damage that I’ll likely pay for in the future, I am paying my education forward to some degree. You see, I’m the proud father of a fellow red headed, blue eyed, insanely fair skinned man in the form of my (now three-year-old) son. He hasn’t suffered a single burn since his birth, and with the tools, tips, and knowledge I now have at my disposal I’ll continue to protect him from getting burnt with all I have in my power. And I’ll educate him on how to protect himself when he’s old enough to not be attached at my hip.
This is important stuff. It’s something I worried nothing about in the past, but I’m very conscious about it now, and I’ll keep helping spread the word for the rest of my days spent under the sun.
Thanks Laurie! Thanks Dermatology and Skin Health! I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.
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